Create authentic assessment tools that will allow you to reflect upon your teaching.
Synthesize knowledge of teaching strategies, student learning styles, and the technology resources for creating curriculum and instructional activities and assessments
Develop criteria for assessing student learning for specific learning objectives
Watch the video from Rick Wormeli on Formative and Summative Assessment
Explore assessment resources by viewing the Pinterest Board on Assessment Strategies from Dr. Kristi Reitz. The Assessment Strategies include Hattie and Marzano's research-based strategies. Also included are technology resources for assessment. You may also explore the assessment resources here: Formative Assessment Technology Tools Assessment Tools Tied to Strategies
Read the information provided below on evaluating congruence in the design process.
Create an assessment for the learning goals completed in the previous module. Upload your assessment into the assignment submission area. Include your objectives and a brief narrative of how the assessment will occur. Remember to align the assessment with the learning objectives.
Evaluating Congruence in the Design Process
One of the most crucial aspects of the assessment phase of the design process is to be able to evaluate the congruence of the assessment against the objectives and analyses that have been performed. Remember that this is a systematic approach to instructional design, which means that every step in the process influences subsequent steps. As such, all of your skills, objectives, and assessment items should be parallel. One way to clearly represent this relationship is to create a three-column table that lists each of the skills from your instructional analysis, the accompanying objective, and the resulting assessment item. At the bottom of the table you would finish up with your main instructional goal, the terminal objective, and the test item for the terminal objective.
Design Evaluation Chart
Skill |
Objective |
Assessment Item(s) |
1 |
Objective 1 |
Test item |
2 |
Objective 2 |
Test item |
3 |
Objective 3 |
Test item |
Instructional Goal |
Terminal Objective |
Test item |
It is important at this point to make sure that your design is adequate so that you will be able to move on to the next step in the instructional design process. The next step involves developing an instructional strategy based on all of the design work you have done up to this point.
A sequential progression of assessment in the classroom
Traditional --------------------------------------------- Authentic
Selecting a Response -----------------------------Performing a Task
Manufactured ----------------------------------------- Real-life
Recall/Recognition --------------------------------- Construction/Application
Teacher-structured ----------------------------------Student-structured
Indirect Evidence -------------------------------------Direct Evidence